Friday, November 6, 2009

The 1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet

The objectives of the diabetic diet is to control your blood sugar and to normalize or maintain your weight. While your needs and the results are available on your height, age and sex are different, should the 1800 calorie diet, with three moderately portioned meals and snacks for two or three to achieve this result.

First be aware of which foods provide the nutrition. While can have an apple and a cookie, the same number of calories, the applemore fiber, more vitamins, take longer, until your body to digest and is more filling. The cookie contains fat, your body tends to store, instead of burning energy. Protein found in meat, dairy products and beans is a good source of energy that your body to digest and burn slower than simple sugars. They want to be careful with the most fruit juices because they contain concentrated sugar. You are better served by eating a piece of fruit and a glassWater.

First, pay attention to portion size. Get an overview of the size of three ounces serving of meat. It may be less than what you are accustomed to eat. Even in the case of starches such as rice, pasta or potatoes sure to measure exactly, as this dramatic effect on the calorie content of food. The inability to accurately measure portion size will sabotage your diet goals.

With a 1,800-calorie diet, itIt is also important to eat frequently to prevent hunger on. Plan to eat a morning and afternoon snack. Some people will enjoy a dinner and snacks. This will prevent not only that you are always hungry, but it will stabilize your blood sugar. Eating the right foods at the right parts at the right time will help you be successful.

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